
Suggested Links


Questions about Usability
Sample Proposal
Sample Issues List
Suggested Links

The following links are a few leads for anyone interested in further information on usability and on children's products:

Association for Computing Machinery Special Interest Group on Computer-Human Interaction (ACM SIGCHI)

The ACM SIGCHI web site has a wealth of information on Human-Computer Interaction resources.


Usability Professionals Association

The UPA web site also offers resources and information and is a great place to start for those interested in working in this field.


ACM SIGCHI Special Interest Area on Kids and Computers

The CHI-Kids web site contains lots of links, both for web sites covering research on kids and computers and recommended web sites for kids.


Children's Software Revue

This web site and magazine reviews the vast majority of computer products for kids, with an emphasis on developmental appropriateness, usability, and user testing.


Contact me at libbyh@earthlink.net


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Content © 2001 Hanna Research & Consulting

Last modified: November 21, 2004